Weekly photo challenge: blue

By: roughseasinthemed

May 15 2012

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Category: Photography


Focal Length:5.8mm
Shutter:1/0 sec

Arty blue bags. Looking like an interesting sculpture I think. Shape and texture. Full of rubbish, 28 of them full of rubbish in fact.

Story here
for those of you who haven’t previously read it. The one improvement we have made to the flat in the five years since we have bought it. That’s if you call improvements ripping out which I do.

He wasn’t really grumpy. If you want to see a smiley pic, it’s over here where you can read about my swimming marathon while Partner sat Brtishly on the beach wearing his Tilley hat and T-shirt. We’re not into sunbathing and the only reason I like going to the beach is for a free swim.

We tend to favour the same walks at the finca, but this one had been in the other direction along the disused railway line. Ironically, it is the way we go when cycling as it makes a good circular route.

A gratuitous photo of Pippa. He doesn’t normally sit at the table, so I suspect this was breakfast time and he was hoping for toast.

Blue. It’s nearly as bad as unfocussed. Guaranteed to throw up endless pics of blue sky and blue sea. Well, from those of us who live near blue sea and have blue skies. I’ll do another post but feeling too idle to take it today.

Duotone note.

I couldn’t resist this deep turquoisy blue background, I’ve not seen it before. Perhaps DT has a new range of colours? (The photo is unenhanced).

Using the portrait pic came up with the usual bright sort of blue, which is a bit samey. I tried the smiley version of the photo (over on yellow buoy) and the background came out reddish!! I don’t think Partner had got to the lobster shade so I was pretty surprised at that. To avoid it on the current portrait pic I did actually increase the blue level slightly.

The walk pic was a nice shade of pale blue, which I would have used had the rubbish bags not thrown up such an interesting colour.

The Pippa pic came up the usual Pippafur pic colour. Which made Pippa look pretty but didn’t do a lot for the blue theme.

20 comments on “Weekly photo challenge: blue”

  1. I agree -Blue! No imagination whatsoever! Your bags however, I like!


    • Yeah, blue skies, blue seas, blue clothes, blue furniture, blue pencils, blue paintings, blue vases, the list of boring blues is endless.

      But I liked the blue of the bags piled up, thought it made a good contrast to the other three conventional blue posts.

      I was surprised that what looked to be an extremely small built in cooker area (on the first link) generated so many bags of rubbish though 😦 I think they are all bricks, can’t even remember what happened to the wooden counter tops.

      Problem is, the sink area is the same and at some point will also need to come out. More blue bags will need to be bought. At least 28.


  2. […] Weekly photo challenge: blue (everypicturetellsone.wordpress.com) […]


  3. No the dustmen do not. They are most picky and leave what isn’t appropriate for them to pick up. I guess you are interested in this eh? 😀 At the time, a work colleague of A’s was using a ute/pick-up so they chucked them all in the back of that, and took them to the tip. We have a tip in Gib but as far as I know most of it then goes to Spain for incineration. (Best to pollute Spain, say I). There was an abortive (?) project to build a new marina on the eastern side of Gib, so some stuff went there.

    Dusties come every night except Saturday, usually around 10pm. The stuff they don’t collect gets picked up by pick ups from the street cleaning company (a privatised govt outfit, you know the score). You can also hire people to collect stuff eg £50 upwards for a part load. We tend to undercut that at £40 a load when we are working. We didn’t have the same vehicle at the time hence using the ute.

    Oh, we don’t have private dustbins, just a few green wheelies in the street, helpfully outside our block. People do occasionally chuck it out of their window and usually miss. I normally throw it in from the doorstep. There is usually a pile of extra bags and loads of other clart kicking around the bottom of the bins. If there is a rubbish wordpress challenge I’ll post about it 😀


  4. […] Weekly photo challenge: blue (everypicturetellsone.wordpress.com) Rate this: Share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestTumblrEmailMorePrintRedditStumbleUponDiggLike this:Like8 bloggers like this post. This entry was posted in Anything and tagged amateur photograph, Blue, dailypost, Moon, nature, Photography, postaday, sun, weekly photo challenge, Weekly Photos. […]


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  6. those are the most delightful rubbish bags – or garbage bags as they are called here – i have seen. a beautiful blue! ours tend to be an opaque dark green, and i don’t even want to think what duotone would do with them.
    anyhow, you did well with the challenge, and i appreciate the duotone analysis. 🙂
    for me, i find that the challenge is what it is, and yet it always needs to fit in the parameters of my blog, photos which are my favourites. as i mentioned on my post, i had something planned for next week which actually works for blue. i had another one which would still require a lot of tweaking which is rather a sad story (as in blue) and has nothing whatsoever to do with the colour. but it really will have to keep for another time, and i intend to plot it in between two especially cheerful posts, as it is a story with an unhappy ending.


    • i hadn’t quite finished my comment and somehow it posted before i had a chance to edit ‘kardz by kris’ to become p&k. oh well. it was becoming too wordy and tmi anyhow.
      anyhow, my break is over now. busy day today. anyhow, just a heads-up that i am planning to post something blue tomorrow morning. in the meantime, have a great evening. must run!


    • Oh, don’t want to read a miserable post 😦

      Yes, the challenge is what it is, and if something works one week then I will go for it, if not, then I won’t. Simple 🙂

      I’m not going to agonise or take a special photo for it, I doubt people do. We all look in our files, and in our cases, look for something slightly less obvious.

      They are builders’ rubble bags so slightly stronger than rubbish bags. I have been instructed to point that out by the one who knocked down all the rubble. Even though I actually bought the bags.


  7. […] Weekly photo challenge: blue (everypicturetellsone.wordpress.com) […]


  8. That track looks perfect for the type of cycling I like to do.
    Love Pippas’ concentration on toast 🙂
    How/where do we find the weekly photo challenge? I keep noticing different themes popping up.


  9. […] Weekly photo challenge: blue (everypicturetellsone.wordpress.com) […]


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