Weekly photo challenge: close

By: roughseasinthemed

Jun 15 2012

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Category: Gibraltar, Photography


Focal Length:5.8mm
Shutter:1/0 sec

Cloud close to the Rock? Or just the usual Levanter?

A cloudy day in June, when later the sun would shine right through.

The Levanter is a Gib phenomen. A breeze hits the eastern side of the rock, the water in the breeze condenses, and we end up with a unique cloud hanging over the Rock.

Not sure if this one was a Levanter cloud or not, but still, either way, the clouds are awful close to Gib, and the weather was close too.

I think that meets this week’s challenge. More or less.

Photo taken two days ago.

26 comments on “Weekly photo challenge: close”

  1. […] Weekly photo challenge: close (everypicturetellsone.wordpress.com) […]


  2. […] Weekly photo challenge: close (everypicturetellsone.wordpress.com) […]


  3. Fascinating subject and great photo. I haven’t heard of a Levantar so thanks for explaining and sharing your photo. 🙂


  4. […] Weekly photo challenge: close (everypicturetellsone.wordpress.com) […]


  5. That sounds very ‘sea fret’ like 🙂 Is a the Levanter the same type of thing?


    • No, it doesn’t have the same softness of a seafret. It’s actually quite a dense cloud, that literally sits on top of the Rock. The only resemblance to a sea fret is that you can walk out of it if you are far enough on the western side of gib (or elsewhere) eg far north or south and into bright sunshine. As we are in the town, though and against the side of the Rock we always get it. But as you can see in the photo, it’s not misty, just a cloud mass. We do get mist but only occasionally and then, interestingly, it is sea fretty 😀


  6. Fascinating! I just did a post on Gibraltar, but had heard nothing of this phenomenon. Were you visiting or did you live there?


  7. Just what we need here. Was 40.5º C today. Still 37.7º at 1930 hr. Though great weather at the U.S. Open 100 km west of us.


  8. I have never heard of this particular cloud (was going to write phenon……) but for some bizarre reason I cannot spell the word today. Moody photo, I like it!


  9. We have the marine layer along the coast 60 miles west. If it is thick we know that cool weather is coming our way. High temps and unemployment is all España needs this summer.


    • We rarely get thick cloud in Spain, although we do get a light sea fret (mist off the sea). Today was a sheer heat haze though! Still only 32/33 degrees so not quite as bad as America.


  10. what an amazing sky! good one!!


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